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Falcon Punch

less than 1 minute read

We play a lot of Super Smash Brothers Brawl during lunch around here, and occasionally after work there’s additional smashing. I walked in today to find this...

WPF: ViewModel + Attachable Behavior

4 minute read

One of the biggest pain points of MVVM is the boilerplate code that is necessary for it to function.  The code I’m referring to is the code needed to Hook an...

GDC 2010: Rendering With Conviction

less than 1 minute read

One of the good talks I saw at GDC was this one, Rendering With Conviction. Stephen Hill posted his slides for his presentation and you should check them out...

The Toothbrush Achievement

less than 1 minute read

So I was thinking about what [Jesse Schell was saying in his DICE presentation] while brushing my teeth this morning.  About 90% of the way through the prese...

The CLR Team Needs Feedback

less than 1 minute read

So [over at the CLR Team Blog] they’re asking users to send them feedback on what kinds of things they should be focusing on for the next version. Even thoug...